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Zoning, Land Use and Building Permits

At Charles Bean & Associates, We Can Help With Your Real Estate Legal Needs.

Zoning, Land Use and Building Permits


Are you trying to repurpose a residential property for commercial use? Are you planning on extensive remodeling or an extension for your home? Are you thinking of buying a commercial property to round out your investment portfolio? Are you a business owner looking to build a new business premises from scratch? Or are you tired of looking for a residential property on the market and have decided instead to self-build?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions (and many more) the odds are that you need the help of an attorney to ensure that your use of a property or land is legally sound. Ideally, a real estate attorney should also have substantial experience in business and corporate law to ensure that the purchase, leasing or modification of a commercial property adheres to zoning and land use laws.

Building Permits real estate attorney in Coeur d'Alene and spokane

Future Land Use real estate attorney in Coeur d'Alene and spokane

How Can an Attorney Help with Future Land Use (FLU)?


Future Land Use (FLU) designations are used to indicate the intended use and development density for an area. If you are looking to convert a residential property into a commercial premises, change a warehouse into an apartment building or make any changes to how a land and the property on it is used, an attorney can assist in making all of the relevant applications to local authorities.

How Can an Attorney Help with Zoning?


Zoning laws are put in place by planning authorities to ensure that municipalities are compartmentalized into residential, commercial or industrial zones. An attorney can advise you of zoning laws that may affect your business premises and help you to get the necessary permits to change the use of a property or make significant alterations to your home.

With a strong knowledge of local zoning laws they can help ensure that commercial development projects move forward swiftly without costly delays as well as making sure that you get the permission necessary to improve the monetary and personal value of your residential property.

They can advise and assist in rezoning land and obtaining special use permits where necessary. They can ensure that architectural and construction efforts don’t breach any legal restrictions including historic preservation issues. They can also help demystify the complications of zoning for mixed-use development projects and help businesses carry out their due diligence when it comes to environmental concerns associated with land or property.

How Can an Attorney Help with Building Permits?


Building codes can be extremely complicated, making it hard to know exactly what kind of building permits are necessary for your project. Whether you’re seeking to make changes to a commercial or residential property or even build a brand new one from scratch, a real estate attorney can ensure that you are granted the permits you need to make your project move forward.

Trust Brian J Bean of Charles Bean & Associates PLLC to handle all of your zoning, land use and building permit needs. With years of experience and a proven track record of success in real estate law, you won’t find an attorney who works harder for you.

Get in touch with us today to arrange a consultation!

Brian Bean real estate attorney in Coeur d'Alene and spokane
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