When you start your business, you'll need to designate a registered agent. While the requirements to be a registered agent are moderate, it's not a choice to take lightly. Below, we'll discuss what you should know about each option to help you decide which option is best for your business.
The Pros and Cons of Your Registered Agent Options
Using an Online Legal Service as Your Registered Agent
At first glance, using a service like LegalZoom can look like a good deal. For one low fee, you'll get registered agent services that include calendar reminders, so you don't forget about important filing dates. Plus, they're available in all 50 states, so no matter where your business operates, you'll have a registered agent ready to help.
Buyer beware, though. These services are mostly generic and do not offer great customized or personalized services. You'll see evidence of this in the reviews for LegalZoom's registered agent services, which aren't exactly glowing about the company's service record.
Using Yourself as a Registered Agent
You do have an option to designate yourself as the registered agent for your business. There are a few advantages here, the biggest of which is cost. Acting as your own registered agent is free.
Bear in mind some of the requirements of being a registered agent, though. Your address and name will need to be a matter of public record, which could be a privacy concern. There are none of the other added perks that an online service of a business attorney can provide. You'll only have yourself to rely on when it comes to interpreting the paperwork you receive and understanding what needs to happen next.
Using a Business Attorney as a Registered Agent
A business attorney offers privacy, professionalism, and legal assistance as your registered agent. Logistically, you'll know that someone will always be present at the registered address during regular business hours. That person will have the experience to understand what needs to happen with the information they receive. Not only will you receive all your paperwork promptly, but your business attorney can also advise you on how to move forward with matters such as summons and necessary corporate legal paperwork. Making your business attorney your registered agent can also help you create a corporate shield. This can protect your personal assets from your business ones, keeping you safe in case of a lawsuit or financial pitfall.

You can arrange the service for a reasonable fee and have the peace of mind you have a reliable registered agent for your company when you need them. If you'd like to learn more about registered agent services, get in touch with our Idaho business attorney today.
Registered Agent Services in Idaho: Brian J. Bean
Are you in need of registered agent services in Idaho? Get in contact with Charles Bean & Associates today for a free 45-minute consultation by calling (208) 664-1574 or via our website contact form. With years of experience, Brian J. Bean is an avid business lawyer, corporate attorney, and real estate attorney who has worked within large and small organizations. His passion is assisting businesses with strategic legal decisions, negotiations, and more. Brian also prides himself in providing clients with exceptional business services to help achieve their business objectives and goals.